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The Our Town Story Roadmap

10 Apr 2015 08:02:29
27 posts
Our Town Story is - if everything goes well - going to grow into an enormous website. How we develop it in future will be primarily in response to demand. That said, there are a number of features that we plan to roll out in the future. How quickly we get to them depends on how many other things crop up, but we aim to implement them as soon as we can.
At present, these things are:
Video support - either add your own videos, or link directly to YouTube/Vimeo to add videos of a place or event
Audio support - have you recorded someone talking about their childhood in a place? Or perhaps you've carried out interviews for research projects - add them in to Our Town Story
Categories for all images - this is already built into the image upload process, but users cannot yet sort images by category within a place profile
Other places in proximity to the UK, that might be relevant to users
We will keep you updated as and when these features arrive.....!