• 7 years ago
Shared an update: Thanks for your patience if you recently signed up - we have to do our best to sure that everyone who signs up is real!
• 7 years ago
Shared an update: We’d love the images within Our Town Story to find uses in all sorts of areas, but few more so than in reminiscence therapy with those coping with dementia. This article from the Alzheimer’s Society discusses RT with South Asian residents in Coventry ( @coventry-west-midlands-england-cv1-2 ):
• 7 years ago
Shared an update: Apologies if you’ve experienced slow loading times over the last couple of days - all sorted now!
• 8 years ago
Shared an update: Fixed a problem where maps wouldn't show on some gallery pages...

• 8 years ago
Shared an update: TIP: Lots of people search the internet for the names they have found whilst doing their family history research. Unfortunately, where names appear in photographs, such as on shop fronts, or in the handwritten text of postcards, they can’t be indexed - but if you mention them in your descriptions they can.
If you get the chance, just mention those sorts of things in your Our Town Story photo summaries, and that will hopefully expose them to a much wider audience - potentially one with direct links to your photo’s contents!
If you get the chance, just mention those sorts of things in your Our Town Story photo summaries, and that will hopefully expose them to a much wider audience - potentially one with direct links to your photo’s contents!

• 8 years ago
Shared an update: More on plans for the endangered Hippodrome in @brighton-east-sussex-england-bn1-6 :
• 8 years ago
Shared an update: This building in @brighton-east-sussex-england-bn1-6 - the beautiful Hippodrome by Frank Matcham - remains in danger and must be saved...... 

• 8 years ago
Shared an update: We have a gallery and local history forum for every town, city and village in the UK just waiting for you contributions - it's free to join, and you can help build up an archive of the UK's social history!
We would also love to make our archive available to help those using reminiscence therapy, to feed something back to the society that created it...
We would also love to make our archive available to help those using reminiscence therapy, to feed something back to the society that created it...
• 8 years ago
Shared an update: Every place profile has a “Resources” tab, to list relevant local resources, such as archives or historical societies. If you would like to see one added, then pop a request in this dedicated forum.
Once we have verified it, we’ll add it in!
Once we have verified it, we’ll add it in!
• 8 years ago
Shared an update: Hello! We had a major server outage on Sunday, and have been working hard to rectify the issue - involving some serious heroics from around the world!
The version of the site as it stands is not quite functioning correctly as we work to repair some minor damage to some templates, but we hope to be all back up and running properly by tomorrow, Saturday 20/10/2017 - thank you for bearing with us!
The version of the site as it stands is not quite functioning correctly as we work to repair some minor damage to some templates, but we hope to be all back up and running properly by tomorrow, Saturday 20/10/2017 - thank you for bearing with us!