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solved Where's Covent Garden?

02 Apr 2015 21:31:44
7 posts
Yes, I know it's only up the road - although it's a bit dark tonight..... - but where is it on the menus? It's not listed on LDN/Westminster and it's quite a touristy place so might get hit hard when the site if fully running.
updated by @oovis: 02 Apr 2015 22:32:36
02 Apr 2015 22:30:06
63 posts
The places in London are undoubtedly the trickiest to define, as they tend to be loose locales rather than boundaried areas. That said, I think we have now found a way to standardise what we approve for London and what we don't.
So, you will now find Covent Garden in the Westminster list. It's at the bottom for now, but will be in the right place when the Borough page is updated to the new format.