Bug Reports
Will think about that one and get back to you. One of the problems is knowing which places you have chosen for inclusion. Some of the East Lancs ones are qiute esoteric and I wouldn't have thought to search on them. I wonder how many pics you will get for some of them. Maybe include a search of postcode + radius which will help us find things we wouldn't think to search for?
Related to this is how you handle deserted villages, those under reservoirs and the like. Are they there or not? I'm thinking of places like Grane between Blackburn and Haslingden for example. It isn't listed, and I can't easily see what your policy on abandoned villages is.
What are your criteria for inclusion? You have Sherfin but not Acre (both Haslingden) for example. You have Lumb in Rossendale but not Lumb in Irwell.
Incidentally Newchurch BB4 7 is strictly speaking Newchurch in Rossendale to distinguish it from Newchurch in Pendle.