Marion H

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Marion H
@marion-h on 22 Apr 2015 10:04:33

Possibly in the early 70's. I left in 1972 and my mother used to send pieces of interest from the Newspapers! I don't have the original any more and I doubt if it had a date on it otherwise I would have scanned it.

@iamtimbo on 22 Apr 2015 13:00:41

Ah...definitely before my time. :) I must have read about it somewhere else. I wonder whodunnit - and why - seems a bit dramatic!

@iamtimbo on 22 Apr 2015 09:07:29

When did this happen? It sort of rings a bell....although Sheppards looks as if it's next to the old Midland Bank, and I think that must be before my time.