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Gallery: Ugford

Aerial photograph taken by the RAF, Ugford,1964

@Noswar / 8 years ago / 2021 views / 1 comments

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This picture shows the thatched property of Ugford Farmhouse on the A30 and also the ancient side cutting down to the river Nadder where there have been dwellings for hundreds of years. This picture was taken by the RAF and was bought by my parents who lived in the bungalow seen on the right. My father J H B Rawson became the largest honey producer in the country and in the early 1950's he bought the one acre strip of land from the A30 to the river to start his business. I grew up here and have a great fondness for over 50 years.

The side cutting to the river which has a public foot path along its side had been known as Rose Bank Cottages, Madeira House, Wiltshire Downs Honey Farm and today as Drovers Way. The building under construction was built by my father and he did most of the building work himself.

©Scanned from an original photograph which I own.  ‑ used with permission

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@iamtimbo on 13 Sep 2017 14:15:48

That's a great bit of local information, and very informative to be able to fill in a bit of the history of somewhere that has clearly been occupied in one form or another for a very long time. Is honey still made on the site?