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Gallery: Ugford

The old Chalk Wall, Ugford, 1980's

@Noswar / 8 years ago / 619 views / comments

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Although I took this photograph for other reasons in the 1980's it actually shows the old calk wall through the window. This is the wall that is shown in the link below which ran from the road to the river.

Most of the wall was removed in the late 1950's and 60's by the Whiffins who owned the property on the other side. A corrugated iron fence was erected from the road to a small part of the chalk wall which was about 30 feet in length which had not been taken down. This wall was next to where the sewage drains are for Drovers Way which are now just behind the house at the top of the garden.

When the property next door changed hands in the late 1980's and a local builder moved in he took down the remainder of our chalk wall and replaced it with a flimsy wooden fence. We were very sad about this.

Remains of the wall could be seen all the way down the property. Where the corrugated iron fence was erected it was put on the limestone base that the wall once stood on and further down the garden there were 2 tall brick pillars each about 15 feet tall. Only one of these still stands today in 2017 and the other my father removed when we were young as it was dangerous.

This picture shows mu mother and my sister. Our kitchen looked down the garden to the river.

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