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Gallery: Ugford

Ugford, 1980's

@Noswar / 8 years ago / 616 views / 2 comments

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A picture I took in the 1980's looking up to the house where I grew up. Then known as Wiltshire Downs Honey Farm and today known as Drovers Way. This view is not possible today as many more trees have been planted which are in full maturity. Along the edge of this property is a well known & used public footpath which has been there since the doomsday book.

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@noswar on 09 Feb 2019 09:12:50

What year would you have been walking past as I had a brother and he might have been your friend. 

@carriem on 28 Jan 2019 09:43:11

I remember walking past this bungalow many times as i headed off to the river during the long summer holidays as a child. I learnt to swim in the river there. One of my friends was the boy who lived in this bungalow.