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Gallery: Forgotten Photo Friday

Shakespeare Hotel, Unknown Location, c. 1910s

@iamtimbo / 8 years ago / 1603 views / 1 comments

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The location of the hotel in this image is a mystery. Given that it's the Shakespeare Hotel, it could be in or around Stratford-upon-Avon in Warwickshire, but a quick Google search shows that there are plenty of Shakespeare Hotels all around the country!

It looks like quite a big place, though, and would have been quite a feature wherever it was - do you have any clues to its whereabouts?

Hint: Drag the orange pegman to see the Streetview image...

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@iamtimbo on 08 Apr 2017 22:08:38

After some serious digging by @ourtownstoryarchivist (well done!), this building has been located as the former Shakespeare Private Hotel in Clacton-on-Sea. Now a BUPA nursing home, it's had some serious knocking about since this photo was taken.

The semi-detached house just past the hotel has been demolished, and a further annexe built, the bay-fronted entrances have been squared off with all the balustrading removed, and all the identifying signs are long gone. 

That said, the single first-floor window that is slightly higher and larger than the others is still very identifiable, as is the roof line. Drag the oranges pegman on the Google map above to the map pin and see for yourself! 

It looks like the home will close this year or next, and I should think will very likely be demolished. Topic of conversation here is what exactly constitutes a 'private' hotel...?