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Gallery: Ugford

Ugford Farmhouse, Ugford, 1982

@Noswar / 8 years ago / 902 views / comments

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This is a view up the length of the Farmhouse and is a photograph which I took in 1982. Here it shows the lovely Victorian round topped wall which used to run around the property to the left and up to the house. Sadly this has now been replaced by a modern flat topped brick wall. The old wall was in character with Ugford as there are many other locations around the hamlet where the Victorian round topped wall still exist today.

There are a few points to add about this picture which might be of interest. At this end of the house an open door can be seen - this used to be a 12 foot square pump house above a well which was able to pump water when I was there. This was separate from the main house and has a stable style door part of which can be seen off it's hinges in this picture.

There was one window to the left of the door and the wall to the left of the window was not the end of the house as there was a small secret staircase accessed from one of the upstairs rooms. The staircase had one window and this can also be seen in my picture half way up the wall facing forward.

Opposite the pump house door in the garden you can see a small round topped bush and at about this location there was a large mill stone on its side which had a hole in the middle and was where I have sat many times.

I think it was around the late 1980's that the house was gutted & refitted out. I remember going into the house in the early 90's and noting that the pump house was now part of a large sitting room at the end of the house.

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