Oare, Kent, England, ME13 7

Oare Locality

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Maison Dieu, Ospringe, 1941

Added by @iamtimbo 10 years ago / Views: 749
In Gallery: Maison Dieu, Ospringe, 1910s, 1941 and 2002

This building is the main surviving building of the medieval Maison Dieu, founded in 1230, which was similar to a small monastery. It acted as a...

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Maison Dieu, Ospringe, 2002

Added by @iamtimbo 10 years ago / Views: 520
In Gallery: Maison Dieu, Ospringe, 1910s, 1941 and 2002

This building is the main surviving building of the medieval Maison Dieu, founded in 1230, which was similar to a small monastery. It acted as a...

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Maison Dieu, Ospringe, c. 1910

Added by @iamtimbo 10 years ago / Views: 719
In Gallery: Maison Dieu, Ospringe, 1910s, 1941 and 2002

This building is the main surviving building of the medieval Maison Dieu, founded in 1230, which was similar to a small monastery. It acted as a...

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