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Gallery: Lost Country Houses

Sandygate Hall, Sheffield, 1946

@Noswar / 8 years ago / 1240 views / 3 comments

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This is one of the houses that my Grandfather lived in and is where my father spent his earl teens & twenties. He didn't own the house and rented it. Here I have the original sales catalogue from 1946 which has been kept in the family since then. I doubt if there are many if any other copies of this. It gives a good idea of how things were in those days. Sadly now a housing estate but retains some of the names in the streets.

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@noswar on 26 Oct 2017 09:43:33

Thank you, that's interesting. It's nice to know there is another picture of the old house.

@iamtimbo on 25 Oct 2017 08:04:43

What an amazing bit of family history. Looks like a lovely place; I’m assuming that Joseph Brailsford was the owner. For some reason, that name rings a bell, but I can’t for the life of me think why! 

@iamtimbo on 26 Oct 2017 07:28:58

I think the name sounded familiar because of Dave Brailsford, the cycling coach. Apparently Joseph Brailsford was a local solicitor, and there’s another picture and a bit of history on it here ....