

Co-founder of Our Town Story. If you have any questions about the site, or wish to provide feedback, please visit the Admin forum and post in the appropriate place - we'll do our best to help you out as quickly as we can!

We really want Our Town Story to be an album for your old photos, to fill in the gaps in the history books of our villages, towns and cities. We would also love for those pictures to be able to help others - for instance by using reminiscence therapy in treating dementia

We're still a work in progress, and we appreciate all suggestions and observations!

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@iamtimbo • 4 years ago
Shared an update: The Garden Museum is asking for help to identify unlabelled photographs in the album of Gertrude Jekyll's that it holds. In the first batch is photos of public parks and gardens - click the link below for more!

@iamtimbo • 4 years ago
Shared an update: Some great pictures of removal firms operating in and around York (@york-north-yorkshire-england-yo24-4) in the 1900s - why not use a traction engine?!
@iamtimbo • 4 years ago
Shared an update: Some amazing photos available on the Britain from the Air website, which is now free in high-resolution. Over 96,000 photographs taken since the 1910s, including many buildings now lost to history such as this picture of the Timpson shoe factory in Kettering...
@iamtimbo • 4 years ago
Shared an update: Sainsbury's Archive shared this picture of their store in @ashford-kent-england-tn23-1 - there's even a Rumbelows - whatever happened to Rumbelows?!

@iamtimbo • 5 years ago
Shared an update: Shared an update: Some amazing photographs of Glasgow (@glasgow-glasgow-city-scotland-g1-1) by Oscar Marzaroli have been donated to Glasgow Caledonian University...
@iamtimbo • 5 years ago
Shared an update: BBC News reports on the closure of a handful of M&S stores, focusing on Bedford (@bedford-bedfordshire-england-mk40-3), with an old photo of their M&S....
@iamtimbo • 6 years ago
Shared an update: Some beautiful photographs of Wapping ( @wapping-tower-hamlets-greater-london-england-e1w-2 ) here’s on the Retronaut site...

@iamtimbo • 6 years ago
Shared an update: Hi, @maggford - thanks for signing up (and posting!). If you have any questions, please do post them in the Admin forums, the link is on the home page!
@iamtimbo • 6 years ago
Shared an update: Good morning @david - welcome on board! Hope you’re having a good Easter.....thanks for joining up. If would like any help, just reply to this message, or post in the Admin forums and we will get back to you! You can find a link to them on the home page....
@iamtimbo • 7 years ago
Shared an update: Blitz: The Bombs That Shaped Britain is on BBC2 right now - tonight looking at @bristol-bristol-england-bs5-6 ; I’ll post a link to the iPlayer version once it’s available....
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