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Gallery: Images from The Making of Birmingham..., c. 1897

Austin & Sons, Nechells Green, c. 1897

@iamtimbo / 10 years ago / 1546 views / comments

Image Details

Image taken from the 'Illustrated Midland Business Review and View Album. Special edition for the district of East Birmingham, with part of Aston, etc'

The directory listing for Austin & Son reads:

"Austin & Sons, Manufacturing Chemists Wholesale Druggists, Oil, Seed and Spice Merchants, Excelsior Chemical Works, Nechells Park Road and Nechells Green.

Among the businesses - commercial and manufacturing - situated on the east side of Birmingham, that of Messrs Austin & Sons occupies a very prominent and influential position. This firm is extensively engaged as manufacturing chemists, wholesale druggists, &c having large works in Nechells Park Road, and a fine retail shop facing Nechells Green, this occupying a conspicuous corner site.

The business dates its foundation back fifty years, and its history has been one of steady and substantial progress, - a result only justly commensurate with the ability and well-directed enterprise displayed in its management.

Messrs. Austin manufacture a large number of household specialities which command a large and increasing sale in all parts of the country, and on all hands it is admitted that their productions are unsurpassed for uniform excellence and reliability.

Messrs. Austin are importers of Russian and American petroleum oil. They have an oil wharf at Lawley Street Station, where their men are continually busy barreling oil, hundreds of barrels of which they distribute weekly through Birmingham and the Midlands ; also an empty cask depot at the MR Co's yard, Lawley Street.

The chemist's shop at Nechells Green is a large and commodious one, with three capital plate glass show windows and fitted up in the best possible manner to suit all requirements. Here can always be seen a splendid stock of drugs and chemicals, patent medicines and proprietary articles, perfumery, and every description of toilet nursery, and sick-room requisites. Every kind of chemicals and materials are stocked, ot photographic cneiniL d Ilford paget, including mounts, P.O.P. papers, and Ilford, Paget, Barnet and Imperial plates. There is a dark room provided for the use of customers.

The dispensing department is under thoroughly qualified supervision, and every care is taken to use none but absolutely pure and fresh drugs in the compounding of physician's prescriptions and family recipes. In all departments goods are sold at lowest store prices."

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