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Gallery: Images from The Making of Birmingham..., c. 1897
G. Swinfen, Tailor, Alum Rock Road, Birmingham, c. 1897
@iamtimbo / 10 years ago / 1370 views / comments
Image Details
This image comes from the 'Illustrated Midland Business Review and View Album. Special edition for the district of East Birmingham, with part of Aston, etc'.
Swinfen's is listed as a clerical and military tailor at 21 Alum Rock Road. The map location is approximate as it is impossible to tell whether the street has been renumbered, and the area has changed considerably since the photo was taken. The directory listing reads:
"George Swinfen. Clerical and Military Tailor. 21 Alum Rock Road.— In referring to the tailoring trade we have no hesitancy in speaking of Mr. George Swinfen as holding a leading position in Saltley. He carries on business in attractive, and very conveniently arranged premises at No. 21 Alum Rock Road, where he has been established upwards of sixteen years. Here he possesses every facility for carrying on a progressive good class trade, and as regards the stock held, this is exception ally heavy, varied, and thoroughly up-to-date, comprising all the best qualities of material either in worsteds vicunas tweeds, cheviots, etc.
All orders are executed on the premises under the close supervision of Mr. Swinfen the work turned out being of a very high character, both as regards cut and finish, whilst the prices will be found strictly reasonable. Special attention is given to mourning orders, and it has always been the aim of this energetic tradesman to carry out in detail the wishes of all patrons There is no question that the position attained has been well deserved, and little doubt of the business losing its popularity under the present proprietorship."
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